Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion 2 (8)

Discussion 2 (8)

Q Which of the ethical perspectives described in Chapter 1 do you rely on the most when making ethical choices? What do you see as the major strengths and weaknesses of this ethical theory?

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From chapter 1, I would select the perspective of altruism at the time of making ethical choices. This theory describes the concern to a wide range of people, I gave found this to be a very interesting perspective. Being ethical means not doing anything unethical or illegal and it also means to think good for others as well. Caring for others is definitely a good thing and it is ethical at the same time. A person who is acting ethically will definitely have concern for others. Being selfish is unethical. As a human being we have some responsibilities for others. It cannot be denied that a human being must have the respect to the feelings and emotions of others.